Monday, February 3, 2025

At Least Something's Moving Forward

 I'm pleased with the way the work went on this one today; I put a tinted glaze over the parquet floor to help bring all the slats together and handled all of the hallway details on the right side. Looks like it's working.

                                          A Quiet Moment At The Met, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Waiting For The Dry Down

Two backgrounds; let's see what they look like once they're dry.

                                         The Visit, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                         He Was Curiously Drawn To It, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Facing A Challenging Week

 Work time is going to be chopped up this week with various appointments and social get-togethers, so I'm worried about getting the back wall of Standing Room painted. I need a block of time with no responsibilities nagging at me (like making dinner, getting the wash done) so I can focus without distraction. Because I can't move forward on those figures until the background is done.

All I've been able to get to today is Elbo Room. And just some foreground details and the trim on the top of the building.

                                         Elbo Room, work in progress (click on image for larger view)