Thursday, July 18, 2024

Some Minis

 Today, I didn't let the heat beat me. But then, it was only in the 80s, not the 90s...

Three little ones:

                                                     Joan, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                                     Chat, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                                     Rojo, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


 Right now, Rojo is the working title for this one. I might change it.

                                                     Rojo, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Monday, July 8, 2024

Weekend Work

 I managed to work up enough enthusiasm for these four pieces over the last few days.

The tile floor really catches the eye. This is starting to shape up; it'll be better when I get some detail on the faces.

                                                     Chat, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

This photographs TERRIBLY.

                                                     B-21, Sky Series, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

In person, Spring Street is quite striking ever since I changed the color of the coat on the woman on the left!


                                                     Spring Street, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

And finally:

                                                     Kasler Point, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Spring Street In The Fall


                                                        Spring Street, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

A Gesture

 I really love the gesture on this one; it will bring positive energy to the series. And it captures the essence of the subject.

                                                     Lenny, America Series, work in progress (click on image for larger view)


 Another little 6" piece:

                                                     Chat, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024


"Chat" is the working title for this one. I would like to come up with something better, but that will do for now.

                                                     Chat, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Friday, June 28, 2024

Scudding Clouds

I'm trying to make this one work; the blobs of color need to turn into cloud formations.

                                                    B-21, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

This little one needs a name.

                                                     Untitled, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 Today's work:

                                                     Baby Needs Shoes, work in progress (click on image for larger view)


                                                     Kasler Point, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Purples and Pinks

 Two today that share a similar palette.

                                                    Night For Day, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                                    Untitled Sunset, work in progress (click on image for larger view)



Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Spring Street

 Some additional daubs of paint here and there.

                                                        Spring Street, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

More Bricks And Mortar

 Using a VERY tiny brush, I added a lot of details to the statue of Joan herself. Also toned down some of the color.

                                                     Joan, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

A Coffee Shop

 I've done a larger version of this, but the colors and the tiled floor make me want to do it again in a smaller size (6" square).

                                                     Untitled, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Back To The Beach

 Or at least, back to the coastline. I'm happy with today's work.

                                                     Kasler Point, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

And Two More

 Work continues at a glacial pace.

                                                     Joan, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                                     Word, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Friday, June 21, 2024

Two Little Pieces

 Time to get back to these.

                                                     Exit, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

                                                    Vroom, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

New York

 A street corner in SoHo.

                                                        Spring Street, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Sunday, June 16, 2024


The rocks are starting to take shape, which is a good thing as I'd begun to doubt my ability to create form. I think the stretch of water up at the top needs to go lighter, but all in all, this is coming along well.

                                                        Kasler Point, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Some Small Improvements

 Cleaning up some small areas can make a big difference:

                                                    Night For Day, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Still struggling with the color on this one:

                                                   Untitled Sunset, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Making Some Changes

 This wasn't working in its earlier form so I decided to brighten it up a bit, and when you're making changes, why not pull out all the stops? We'll see how I like it in a couple of days.

                                                                                                        Scepter'd Isle, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Monday, June 3, 2024

Fun With Rocks

 I really need to be using a sharp flat brush on this, but right now I'm just establishing color.

                                                                                                        Kasler Point, work in progress (click on image for larger view) 



 I've been working on this one for so long that I've forgotten what I wanted to emphasize in the original message.

                                                    Baby Needs Shoes, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Friday, May 31, 2024

Lazy Days

 I just feel unmotivated lately. I guess it's the bounce-back from all that painting. Around 5 pm I decided to clean up some of the sloppier details on this one.

                                                    Night For Day, work in progress (click on image for larger view)


Thursday, May 30, 2024

Easing Back In

 Today I surveyed the paintings that I was working on months ago, before I dropped everything to concentrate on the ones for the show. There's a wide range: a couple of florals, a mysterious figurative, a night scene of Times Square, a very large figurative, a street scene in SoHo, etc. I'm trying to see which ones are closest to being finished, and then plan to concentrate on them. I really should get a few things done before starting new work!

                                                    A Rainy Night In Alexandria, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Not sure the raindrops are working. Sharpened up some of the table detail.

I put a couple of paintings on the floor across the room from where I am now, and, as usually happens with a break from work I had some new insights into what needs to be done to them. I got the feeling that what I've been doing over the last five months was a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees; I'll try to do better.

 This one is pure fun, gaudy as it is.

                                                   Untitled Sunset, work in progress (click on image for larger view)