Thursday, January 9, 2025


 I have found it. The portrait that I found so elusive and for which I spent many minutes searching several days ago, popped right up when I looked for it at The Met's site. It's a Fantin-Latour, and it has a wonderful back story. Apparently the woman in the painting insisted on paying in cash, in advance, showed up sometimes with an American known as "Becker," and gave as her name one that Latour found questionable. Nobody knows who she really is, or what the relationship was between her and Becker.

Even better, enthused by the finding, I did a search for the last remaining painting on the walls— on the left-hand side, and difficult to make out— and, bingo! It is a Manet, one he considered unfinished, of the funeral procession of his friend Baudelaire. How to link these three images with the figure?

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