Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Some Buildings, A Revisit, And a Title

 Forced myself to work on the buildings today; painting straight lines is not my favorite thing, but the session went okay. It'll take a few more sessions, actually, since I have to let the underpainting dry and then go back with a straight-edge brush and make the lines crisp. 

                          Straight Ahead, © 2022, work in progress (click on image for larger view)            

After putting this one aside for a few days, I had to go back in with a lighter, brighter pink on the cloud edges and some pale blue to define the sky holes. Better, I think. Now I can stop.

                         Sunrise Over The Cove, © 2022 (click on image for larger view)            

And I inched along on a few tiny detail areas here; hair, abstract painting, painting frame, mostly. 

                         He Was Curiously Drawn To It, © 2022, work in progress (click on image for larger view)           

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