Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Three For This Morning

First: an attempt to make it more obvious that the young man is in an elliptical area of light water, then surrounded by darker water. I had to brush over some nice, undulating lines, but it was the only way to make the point. Meanwhile, the darkest paint is STILL not dry from the last session, making it hard to place lines where they need to go.

Coming Of Age In The Year 2018, © 2019, work in progress (click on image for larger view)
On to the next one; sharpened up the vertical lines on the right side.

The Gauntlet, © 2019, work in progress (click on image for larger view)
And; more work on the face and hands:
Cheyenne, America Series, © 2019, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

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