Saturday, April 4, 2020

Stop Before You Ruin It, and Face Coverings

My intentions were good this morning: I set out to make the rim of the plate accurate, but things went wrong very quickly. Rule #1: DUST OFF THE PANEL BEFORE YOU START TO PAINT. I will never learn! The brush kept picking up extremely fine cat hairs and they in turn kept picking up wet paint and dragging it into areas where it didn't belong. Finally I had to stop. But at least a little progress was made.

Banana Cream Pie, Guilty Pleasures Series, © 2020, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

My cat friend, who has very soft, very fine hair/fur, relaxing in his closet cave:

He is wondering why I feel compelled to take yet another photo of him and disturb his nap when I already have 3000+ pictures of him.

Meanwhile: I found an excellent tutorial on making face masks yesterday— or as they want us to refer to them, "face coverings," on YouTube by a woman named Leah Day. I'll link to it here:

I went through some of my sewing fabric stash last night and figure I can make some of these and donate them to hospitals. They have a pocket for easy placement/removal of filtering material, like paper towels or vacuum cleaner bag filters. Need to look into this more carefully, but what a great idea.

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