Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Lots Of Wet Paint

 Today I worked on four pieces, and after tomorrow everything's going to be wet. Friday and the weekend will be dry down time.


                                                                      Daily Bread, work in progress, (click on image for larger view)                  

Firmed up some details on the left side, including the bust on the entry desk.


                                                                      'S Nice, work in progress, (click on image for larger view)                 

Some quick washes of dark brown to indicate the interior space.


                                                                      Transition, work in progress, (click on image for larger view)                  

 A lot of work on the sky and trees.

And finally:

                                                                      Stone Tower Winery, work in progress, (click on image for larger view)                 

 Settled down some of the greens in the foreground. Unfortunately, rubbed out those tiny vine lines up on the hill, that took me half an hour to painstakingly place during the last session. Added some more clouds.




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