Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Still In Organizational Mode

I stretched a couple more small canvases today and went looking through the archive of reference photos. My gallery owner gave me four beautiful frames; three of them have glass, so they're ideal for watercolors or pastels. But I can't find anything suitable.

It's not a good day for painting, either; I just can't seem to find the patience for it. And there's so much that needs to be done! It's a truly gloomy day, dismal and wet. The whole east coast, or at least the parts around DC and northward, are socked in with bad weather, not the most reassuring thing on Election Day. I did get out early this morning to do my civic duty. Have been avoiding the news for the better part of the last two weeks, so I have no idea what's going on in the world; it just got so depressing I couldn't stand to listen to it any more.

Meanwhile, here's the little bit of painting I did today:

Wigs And Shades, © 2018, work in progress (click on image for larger view)
Worked on that mannequin at upper right. Still having trouble with the pouty mouths. 

L'Auberge Provencale, February, © 2018, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

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