Saturday, June 17, 2017

Puttering and Painting

I've taken care of a few of the household tasks that needed attention, and also spent several hours painting upstairs in the last day or two. The light is very good up here and the view from the window is full of leafy greens and a lot of active, colorful birds. But here's what I'm working on now:

Le Diplomate, © 2017, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

This one didn't make it into the show, but because of its small size I'm able to work on it at night, holding it in my lap. Then there's this little one, just started:

Caitlyn, © 2017, (America series) work in progress (click on image for larger view)

Evening Star Café, © 2017, work in progress

As usual, I'm bothered by the way the first coat of paint goes on so sloppily, but I know it'll work out soon.

And last but not least: a new one. Maybe the last of the new ones for a while until I finish a few things. This is called "The Chair," and I've got the frisket cut and ready to roll on the background color, I think a luscious Raw Sienna.

The Chair, © 2017, work in progress

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