Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Freaking Out In Anticipation Of Artomatic

This morning a message came in from the folks at Artomatic, that sprawling, 9-floors-of-unjuried-art-show that takes place in the Metro DC area every so often. I've participated in it several times, and it's exhilarating to see the wide spectrum of creative work displayed in such a huge venue.

However, of the 6 paintings that I'd hoped to show there if the show got off the ground this year, not one of them is ready to hang. And with Artomatic beginning to ramp up, I figure I've got a mere what, 8 weeks? So I am in full panic mode.

Immediately went into the studio and started working on:

In Case of Emergency, © 2019, work in progress (click on image for larger view)

The painting's actually a little further along than this (I evened out that raw area at upper left) but there is much to do. 

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